
I do hope this month got off to a great start for you guys.On this end,Busy..I have been inundated with assignments and reports,not to mention It’s CATS week,but I can never be too busy to post something.Hehe! Blogging so far is going well and is not easy just as I Imagined.You need to keep up with what is going on around you,give it its endearing time but so far it’s worth it.Life is too short my friends and my only hope during my existence is to do what makes me happy beyond words while spreading only good and inspiring even better because my end goal is to turn all this into something productive..

Now shall we talk about this weather?Instead of ranting about how bipolar it is,let us look on the bright side and take advantage by finally wearing our so darling boots.The weather isn’t that chilly so it simply  calls for light sweaters and what better way to look chic and still keep warm in a crop sweater. Guys,it was love at first sight when I saw this mustard Crop sweater.

If you follow me on social media you already know I donned this ensemble yesterday to Campus.The match inspiration is due to the fact that I have ALWAYS loved the idea of pairing crop tops/sweaters with skirts and skinny jeans so I went hunting for crop  sweaters and ”Viola!”I had so much fun during this shoot.Jackie and Butterfly (the dogs)also wanted their thirty seconds of fame hence joined me.

For this look I went for this Mustard crop Sweater because it can easily go with all neutrals and blacks like in this case plus the detailing embroidery looked so cute.LOVE!LOVE!…I paired it with my favourite faux leather jeggings and the boots simply completed the look giving me that effortlessly casual and chic kind of vibe.So lets embrace the weather and take it as a chance to wear that great chunky knitted sweater,those boots you can’t wear on a crazy sunny day and continue looking glamorous and stylish each and everyday.


Photography by Mykal O Brian





IMG_8493 (2)







Top-Thrifted (mtindwa)

faux leather Jeggings-Worlds business Centre

Brown Boots-Roysambu


11 responses to “SWEATER WEATHER :)

  1. Lovely…keep it up

  2. Hehe thank You Allie

  3. At last, someone comes up with the “right” answer!

  4. Pues no, don Rafael, no. Que lo que es, es, y lo que no es, no es.Es una exageración descomunal comparar la desgracia eterna de la derrota en la guerra de España, y la inauguración del monumento a la infamia del fascismo, con el pacto del cerdo volador. Que, siendo un error político, como sin duda es, no se puede comparar. Es, sencillamente, un error.

  5. I have to agree that “Chimpy’s” final (Thank God!) State of the Union was a crock of bull. One of the points that I found to be of the most hilarious nature was the notion that he cares about the environment. HA! Hilarious. But maybe even funnier (sadder) was the fact that, after 8 years in office, and over 50 years of being exposed to the English language, that man STILL cannot pronounce the word “nuclear.” Can’t he just leave office NOW? What are we waiting for…?

  6. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already Cheers!

  7. Patrick Santiago:Fala Bruno, a gente ja vem postando osbre a competicao universitaria ha um tempinho e bem no comeco laguns posts foram explicativos.Nessa coluna verde da direita voce pode clicar no “Boletim NCAA” e mais abaixo tem “NCAA Temporada 2010, 2011 e 2012″.AbracosPatrick

  8. in the United States: How Did We Get There and What Lies Ahead? It was a valuable learning …More Here var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_localize = { Share: "Share", Save: "Save", Subscribe:

  9. I am pro-Hezbollah? I’m against you hypocrit zionist m-fers who cry UN resolutions every time it suits your fancy and then you tighten your choke hold on the Palestinian people, in direct contravention to UN resolutions.

  10. Thanks, I suppose, though it’s pretty obvious you did not bother to read my page. I suppose you are looking for publicity for your own endeavor or some such. Good luck with that.

  11. Now that’s subtle! Great to hear from you.

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