My shades of Ebony!


For a girl who recently started getting  interested in make up but felt very intimidated by all the products out there,I can’t say I have ever had the chance to feel what it was like to have a fully beat face and nonetheless get that heightened confidence.

Whether it’s Embracing the “Au Naturale” look  or plunging ones self in make up to enhance our natural look,at the end,it is always about how you feel about yourself.I feel like the society expects so much and we end up going along with the fussy grooming standards the world has laid out for us.I have ranted before about people who bake their faces and make up is like a mask for them,but I did not understand then,that make up is merely what you make of it.A penny for your thoughts maybe?

Photography by:Buoart

Make up by:_Denniskaruri









17 responses to “My shades of Ebony!

  1. Wow!!This is such an inspiring post Kash❤️

  2. Aaaaw thank you love:):):)

  3. Unakaa poa ??
    ? ?

  4. Very well put Mukami

  5. My favorite Blogger does it again?❤️

  6. omg! I was just talking to my friend about this the other day. We live in a society where you get judged for using make up yet they have no idea why you’re using it in the first place. if beating up your face boosts your confidence,then why shouldn’t you use it? It just really pisses me off. sorry for the mini rant.
    You look gorgeous ? and I’ve loved the post!❤

  7. ??this is post is everything

  8. Hii ni fire!! ? ?

  9. Muthoni Wangecii

    I love how you have put it..”make up is what you make of it”

  10. You are such a beautiful Soul Kaaria❤️?

  11. Hahaha I appreciate you mehn!

  12. Haha Well the rant is well said..I also had the same discussion with friends a while ago and it broke my heart to see other girls destroying instead of building each others esteem.. We are out here hoping it will change.Per Usual,Thank you for always stopping by Nzama:)

  13. Thank you so much Coco:*:)..(This laptop doesn’t have the bomb emojis haha)

  14. Aaaawie,Thanks Cousin:)

  15. haha You know it!!Thank you dearie

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